Called the “Oscars of Real Estate” this unique award is given to the real estate projects that embody excellence in all disciplines involved in their creation. With support from The Wall Street Journal, the international award is an affirmation of the FIABCI ideal of providing society with optimal solutions to its property needs and helping make the world a better place to live, work and enjoy.
FIABCI World Prix d’Excellence Awards recognizes the project that best embodies excellence in all the real estate disciplines involved in its creation. It illustrates concretely the FIABCI ideal of ‘providing society with the optimal solution to its property needs.
Awarded by an international panel of judges comprising top real estate professionals and experts to rewards on its overall merits and not just aesthetics, functionality or size only.
It, therefore, represents an outstanding achievement and bestows upon the Winners the right to use the coveted exclusive Prix awards’ logo. Winners are also gain access to a unique international platform for their projects and companies throughout the extensive FIABCI’s network of more than 60 members’ countries and over 120 real estate professional organizations, worldwide.
The World Prix d’d’Excellence is much more than just a beauty contest; it represents projects that are a cut above the rest!